eSH X 1,000 | eSH VIII 968 | eSH VI 1,027 |
The clan members have not participated in Skirmishes for the last 28 days.
Advances: | 0 |
Victories/Battles ratio: | 0% |
The clan has not fought any battles during the advances for the last 28 days.
Created: 25/09/2022
The clan has not participated in battles on the Global Map yet.
Global Map is a game mode where each clan can become a conqueror of the world and earn valuable prizes: from in-game gold to exclusive vehicles.
Global Map Guide
| 2,524Clan Rating |
17 | Victories/Battles Ratio | Average battles per day | Average damage per battle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The clan has no battles scheduled yet.
Nothing happened
Nothing happened
Accepted Members
Player andrey_12347aa has matched the automatic recruitment requirements and has been accepted to the clan.
23/02/2025 – 12/03/2025
Nothing happened
Change of Command
IIIllllllIII | Ufficiale esecutivo | → | Comandante |
i_g_o_r_ya_n | Comandante | → | Ufficiale esecutivo |
Left Clan
Assigned to Position
sasha9800021 | Ufficiale esecutivo | → | Ufficiale risorse umane |
sasha9800021 | Ufficiale risorse umane | → | Ufficiale esecutivo |
IIIllllllIII | Ufficiale risorse umane | → | Ufficiale esecutivo |
28/01/2025 – 21/02/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
i_g_o_r_ya_n | Recluta | → | Comandante |
LeBwa_61 | Comandante | → | Ufficiale esecutivo |
27/12/2024 – 26/01/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
02/12/2024 – 23/12/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
_Tankiu_TOP_ | Ufficiale risorse umane | → | Ufficiale esecutivo |
23/10/2024 – 30/11/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
24/09/2024 – 21/10/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
08/09/2024 – 22/09/2024
Nothing happened
23/08/2024 – 06/09/2024
Nothing happened
16/08/2024 – 21/08/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
IIIllllllIII | Recluta | → | Ufficiale risorse umane |
_Tankiu_TOP_ | Sottufficiale | → | Ufficiale risorse umane |
Military Personnel
29/05/2024 – 13/08/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
26/04/2024 – 27/05/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
22/04/2024 – 24/04/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
leha_l184 | Sottufficiale | → | Riservista |
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Hlebnaya_Kroshka | Sottufficiale | → | Riservista |
Military Personnel
King_Artur_2008 | Recluta | → | Ufficiale risorse umane |
Military Personnel
Military Personnel
12/04/2024 – 15/04/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
leha_l184 | Recluta | → | Sottufficiale |
BATR_EZ | Recluta | → | Sottufficiale |
Hlebnaya_Kroshka | Recluta | → | Sottufficiale |
disa_kz | Recluta | → | Sottufficiale |
l_CTAPTEP_l | Recluta | → | Sottufficiale |
_Tankiu_TOP_ | Recluta | → | Sottufficiale |
07/04/2024 – 09/04/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
23/03/2024 – 05/04/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
sasha9800021 | Recluta | → | Ufficiale risorse umane |
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