eSH X 933 | eSH VIII 931 | eSH VI 1,242 |
The clan members have not participated in Skirmishes for the last 28 days.
Advances: | 0 |
Victories/Battles ratio: | 0% |
The clan has not fought any battles during the advances for the last 28 days.
Created: 13/06/2018
Itt az ördög harcol az Istennel, és az emberek szíve a csatatér.
eGM X 965 | eGM VIII 1,015 | eGM VI 1,000 |
Gold over the last 28 days | 0
| 5,305Clan Rating |
Log in to join the clan.
36 | Victories/Battles Ratio | Average battles per day | Average damage per battle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The clan has no battles scheduled yet.
Nothing happened
Nothing happened
Left Clan
Player STI3I3 has left the clan.
Assigned to Position
Player Kridplay has been assigned to a new clan position:Rekrutierungsoffizier→Gefreiter
18/03/2025 – 20/03/2025
Nothing happened
Left Clan
Player xGodsmackx has left the clan.
06/03/2025 – 16/03/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
07/02/2025 – 04/03/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
30/01/2025 – 05/02/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
21/01/2025 – 28/01/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
07/01/2025 – 19/01/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
24/12/2024 – 05/01/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
14/12/2024 – 22/12/2024
Nothing happened
01/12/2024 – 12/12/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
25/11/2024 – 29/11/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
gyenge | Reservist | → | Gefreiter |
Military Personnel
Military Personnel
Herceg1976 | Kampfoffizier | → | Unteroffizier |
18/11/2024 – 21/11/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Military Personnel
gd2001 | Reservist | → | Gefreiter |
Military Personnel
Victoruszz | Reservist | → | Rekrut |
Kridplay | Reservist | → | Rekrutierungsoffizier |
13/11/2024 – 14/11/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
szalaiadam2002 | Rekrut | → | Reservist |
gyenge | Gefreiter | → | Reservist |
miklos0123456789 | Kampfoffizier | → | Reservist |
Opirecorts__Ebr_Killer | Rekrut | → | Kampfoffizier |
01/11/2024 – 10/11/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
21/10/2024 – 30/10/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
blade830102 | Gefreiter | → | Reservist |
18/10/2024 – 19/10/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
13/10/2024 – 16/10/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
blade830102 | Rekrut | → | Gefreiter |
10/10/2024 – 11/10/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
18/08/2024 – 06/10/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
14/08/2024 – 16/08/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
afrikton | Rekrut | → | Reservist |
Silverline_fighter | Gefreiter | → | Reservist |
Victoruszz | Gefreiter | → | Reservist |
Kridplay | Unteroffizier | → | Reservist |
Zack18 | Rekrut | → | Reservist |
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