The clan has fought no battles for the Stronghold yet.
Strongholds is a mode that provides clans with a possibility to develop their base and create Reserves that enhances their battle efficiency.
Strongholds GuideCreated: 25/03/2017
Fahrt ruhig noch Eins ihr Lutscher...der Papa brauch noch etwas time ;)
The clan has not participated in battles on the Global Map yet.
Global Map is a game mode where each clan can become a conqueror of the world and earn valuable prizes: from in-game gold to exclusive vehicles.
Global Map Guide
| 0Clan Rating |
Log in to join the clan.
6 | Victories/Battles Ratio | Average battles per day | Average damage per battle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The clan has no battles scheduled yet.
Nothing happened
Nothing happened
30/03/2024 – 22/03/2025
Nothing happened
Left Clan
Player HvH has left the clan.
09/02/2021 – 28/03/2024
Nothing happened
Left Clan
Player steinisx has left the clan.
10/10/2020 – 07/02/2021
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Sir_Schluepper | Ausführender Offizier | → | Kommandant |
Beef__Royal | Kommandant | → | Ausführender Offizier |
01/07/2020 – 08/10/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
30/04/2020 – 29/06/2020
Nothing happened
17/04/2020 – 28/04/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Sir_Schluepper | Kampfoffizier | → | Ausführender Offizier |
07/04/2020 – 15/04/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
27/03/2020 – 05/04/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
23/03/2020 – 25/03/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Beef__Royal | Rekrut | → | Kommandant |
Beverly_Skills | Kommandant | → | Ausführender Offizier |
Military Personnel
04/02/2020 – 20/03/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
einherjer87 | Kampfoffizier | → | Rekrutierungsoffizier |
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
HvH | Rekrut | → | Kampfoffizier |
Sir_Schluepper | Rekrut | → | Kampfoffizier |
Sir_take_all | Quartiermeister | → | Kampfoffizier |
einherjer87 | Geheimdienstoffizier | → | Kampfoffizier |
25/01/2020 – 31/01/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
19/01/2020 – 23/01/2020
Nothing happened
15/01/2020 – 17/01/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Sir_Burton | Rekrutierungsoffizier | → | Geheimdienstoffizier |
einherjer87 | Rekrut | → | Geheimdienstoffizier |
Sir_take_all | Geheimdienstoffizier | → | Quartiermeister |
steinisx | Rekrut | → | Kampfoffizier |
27/11/2019 – 13/01/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Sir_Burton | Personaloffizier | → | Rekrutierungsoffizier |
Sir_Mikey | Reservist | → | Quartiermeister |
Sir_RayFox | Rekrut | → | Unteroffizier |
Sir_take_all | Gefreiter | → | Geheimdienstoffizier |
20/11/2019 – 25/11/2019
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
28/05/2019 – 18/11/2019
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Sir_Mikey | Ausführender Offizier | → | Reservist |
Sir_take_all | Unteroffizier | → | Gefreiter |
Sir_Burton | Rekrutierungsoffizier | → | Personaloffizier |
24/09/2018 – 26/05/2019
Nothing happened
02/08/2018 – 22/09/2018
Nothing happened
19/10/2017 – 31/07/2018
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
16/10/2017 – 17/10/2017
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Sir_Burton | Rekrut | → | Rekrutierungsoffizier |
MvGuizza | Rekrut | → | Unteroffizier |
Sir_take_all | Rekrut | → | Unteroffizier |
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