eSH X 1,000 | eSH VIII 734 | eSH VI 959 |
The clan members have not participated in Skirmishes for the last 28 days.
Advances: | 0 |
Victories/Battles ratio: | 0% |
The clan has not fought any battles during the advances for the last 28 days.
Created: 19/09/2016
Wilków nie obchodzi co myślą o nich barany...
eGM X 1,000 | eGM VIII 932 | eGM VI 1,000 |
Gold over the last 28 days | 0
| 3,567Clan Rating |
20 | Victories/Battles Ratio | Average battles per day | Average damage per battle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The clan has no battles scheduled yet.
Nothing happened
Nothing happened
26/02/2025 – 26/03/2025
Nothing happened
Assigned to Position
Kedudg | Kampfoffizier | → | Unteroffizier |
krzychu1789 | Ausführender Offizier | → | Unteroffizier |
Owen230 | Quartiermeister | → | Unteroffizier |
ambasador71 | Ausführender Offizier | → | Unteroffizier |
ManiekPL32 | Kampfoffizier | → | Unteroffizier |
misiek036 | Personaloffizier | → | Unteroffizier |
bart_78 | Ausführender Offizier | → | Unteroffizier |
_MateoMen_ | Personaloffizier | → | Unteroffizier |
Grucha_hero | Quartiermeister | → | Unteroffizier |
Furia112 | Personaloffizier | → | Unteroffizier |
JERZYXVI | Kampfoffizier | → | Unteroffizier |
Change of Command
Haliciaq | Rekrut | → | Kommandant |
ambasador71 | Kommandant | → | Ausführender Offizier |
Accepted Members
Player Haliciaq has been accepted to the clan.
16/02/2025 – 24/02/2025
Nothing happened
Accepted Members
Player francuz366 has been accepted to the clan.
26/01/2024 – 14/02/2025
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Kedudg | Unteroffizier | → | Kampfoffizier |
Owen230 | Rekrutierungsoffizier | → | Quartiermeister |
_MateoMen_ | Rekrut | → | Personaloffizier |
Grucha_hero | Gefreiter | → | Quartiermeister |
ndmmk | Personaloffizier | → | Gefreiter |
Furia112 | Rekrut | → | Personaloffizier |
JERZYXVI | Unteroffizier | → | Kampfoffizier |
29/12/2023 – 24/01/2024
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
15/09/2023 – 27/12/2023
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
11/06/2023 – 13/09/2023
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
10/02/2023 – 09/06/2023
Nothing happened
25/08/2021 – 08/02/2023
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
30/07/2021 – 23/08/2021
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
13/03/2021 – 28/07/2021
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
16/12/2020 – 11/03/2021
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
Owen230 | Gefreiter | → | Rekrutierungsoffizier |
28/11/2020 – 14/12/2020
Nothing happened
08/05/2020 – 25/11/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
ManiekPL32 | Rekrut | → | Kampfoffizier |
28/04/2020 – 06/05/2020
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
02/01/2020 – 26/04/2020
Nothing happened
22/09/2019 – 31/12/2019
Nothing happened
Military Personnel
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