The vehicle crew in World of Tanks is represented by virtual tankers. No vehicle can operate without a complete crew. The mastery of the crew determines a vehicle's performance on the battlefield.
When obtaining a new tank, the following crew training levels can be selected:
- 50% training (for FREE)
- 75% training (for 20,000 credits per crew member)
- 100% training (for 200 gold per crew member)
- Crew members are trained to handle one specific tank at a time. When transferring your crew to another vehicle, remember that they will be ineffective (performance penalty) without retraining. This is indicated by the value of the major qualification being displayed in red.
- To avoid a performance penalty, you can retrain your crew for the new tank.
- Premium tanks of the same type as the crew is trained for (e.g., a medium tank) can be driven with no penalty.
How to Retrain a Crew
- Put the crew you want to retrain into the tank, then click the Crew Operations button.
- In the menu, click the Retrain button. (Only available when applicable.)
- 20% XP loss: FREE
- 10% XP loss: 20,000 credits
- 0% XP loss: 200 gold
- On a selected tank, click the Crew Operations button.
- In the menu, click Send.
If a crew has already operated a tank before, they can be quickly returned to that tank.
- On a selected tank, click the Crew Operations button.
- In the menu, click the Return button. (Only applicable if the crew has previously operated that tank.)
You can always manually put your crew in a tank. Here's how:
- Click an empty spot in the crew panel.
- A list of all tankers will appear. The first on that list will be the tanker trained for the selected tank.
- The amount of Crew XP required for another percent of a perk is higher than the amount required for the previous percent.
- The amount of Crew XP needed for a second perk is twice higher than that of the previous perk.
- The mechanics of Crew XP distribution is similar to the distribution of tank XP. Once you reach a certain amount of XP, you can research and unlock perks.
- When you go into battle, you automatically receive a certain amount of XP.
- Usually, the amount of XP gathered by the crew is the same as the amount of XP received by the tank—as long as all crew members are alive at the end of the battle.
WoT Plus:
One of the benefits of a WoT Plus subscription is the Intensive Crew Regimen: Every crew member in a single vehicle will gain 40 Crew XP every 5 minutes—even while you are offline!
Crew Books:
- For a selected tank in your Garage, click the Quick Training button.
- The ability to use Free XP or Crew Books will appear. Make your selection.
- Your selection will highlight the crew member affected by the XP increase as well as the exact values.
- By default, this will apply the XP increase to the Commander (unless the selected Crew Book works on the entire crew).
- Please be attentive and select the crew member you wish to receive the XP.
After training your crew member’s major qualification to 100%, additional perks become available.
There are both group and individual perks. Group perks are available for all crew members, while individual perks are only for certain qualifications. If a tanker has several qualifications, they can train all perks available for each one.
The main features of perks are as follows:
- Perks come into effect when trained to at least 1% and grow more effective with further training.
- Some perks have a situational effect that is triggered in certain battle conditions, while others have a permanent effect that remains active throughout the battle.
- For group perks, the average training level among all crew members is applied.
- Each percent above 100% of major qualification training amplifies the effect of all perks (except for Brothers in Arms).
Perks can be trained with experience (XP). Here are some ways to get XP:
- Battles
- Crew Books
- Free XP conversion
Crew Perk Reset
When retraining a crew from one tank to another, you may want to consider a perk reset. To do so, first open the crew member's Profile. Then hit the Reset button.

You will be presented with following options:
- 20% XP loss: FREE
- 10% XP loss: 20,000 credits
- 0% XP loss: 200 gold

Information on how to change crew qualifications can be found HERE.