To authorize on the official portal of any Wargaming game (i.e., World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, World of Warships) or at
- Go to the portal you need and click Log in in the upper right corner of the screen
- You will be redirected to the authorization page for a unified account. Enter your login, password, characters from the picture on the screen (if needed), and click Log in. Or sign in via a social media.
- If the data you enter is correct, you will be authorized, and your nickname will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Click it, and then the link "Account Management" in the menu that appears.
- This is your Account Management page. Here you can:
- Invite friends to the game.
- Change your password.
- Link account to a phone number.
- Change your nickname in the game.
- Configure OpenID, and manage your subscription.