If you think your account was hacked, check this article.
How to find lost or missing...
- Make sure you are logged in the correct Account.
- Check Filter by Parameters (vehicle carousel).
- Check DEPOT (upper Menu) > Vehicles in the Garage > Vehicles / Recovery.
- If you share your account, unwelcome things can happen. We strongly discourage Account sharing.
- Make sure you are logged in the correct Account.
- Check the Barracks and your tanks for misplaced Crew.
- How to restore Dismissed crew members.
- If you share your account, unwelcome things can happen. We strongly discourage Account sharing.
Premium Account days
- The Premium Account timer starts as soon as it's added.
- Premium Account can't be stopped, will continue ticking 24/7.
- On every major patch release, 1 Premium Day is added to Accounts with active premium time (at the time the server goes down).
- In case of game server disruptions, compensations, when applicable, will be automatically given to all eligible accounts.
Player Support does not compensate Premium Account loss. Exceptions might apply (example: charge back resolution).
Gold, Credits, EXP, Free EXP, ...
- Make sure you are logged in the correct Account.
- All in-game transactions are final. A notification appears at the bottom-right corner of your garage.
- When selling a vehicle, Equipment was Sent to Depot (gold).
- Credits were purchased (gold).
- Exp was converted to Free Exp (gold).
- If you share your account, unwelcome things can happen. We strongly discourage Account sharing.
Support does NOT refund, exchange nor reverse in-game transactions.
Equipment, modules, consumables, ...
- Make sure you are logged in the correct Account.
- Check DEPOT (upper Menu) > STOCK > Equipment.
- To find Equipment on a vehicle, hover over the item to see on how which and how many vehicles it was mounted on.
- After a patch, non-working garage mods can misplace or made you think you had more Equipment.
- If you share your account, unwelcome things can happen. We strongly discourage Account sharing.
- Equipment may be destroyed when selling a vehicle. Careful!
No patch deletes Equipment unannounced. Check the patch notes for confirmation.
Exterior Customisation: camouflage, inscriptions, emblems, ...
- Go to Settings > Disable Hide non-historical elements.
- Go to Exterior (in the garage) > Click Applied or In Depot to enable/disable the filter, on the bottom left side of the screen.
Good to know
- Some customisation are unique to certain tanks.
- Some tanks come with a default style which can’t be removed.
- Some camouflages/styles lock to the tank on application and can’t be used on other tanks.
- Paints and effects are only available for: Tier VI, VIII, IX and X.
- Decals are only available for: Tier VIII Premium tanks and Tier X.
- More information available HERE.
Check the rules and reward description whenever you obtain a customisation from an event or tournament.
Garage Slots
- Garage slots can only be added. They can't be sold or destroyed.
- Unused slots are grouped at the end of the vehicle carousel.
- Rental vehicles come with their garage slot, which will be removed when the rental expires.
Only Support can remove Garage Slots, when applicable.