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Vehicles: How to Purchase

Buying a Tank:

  1. To buy the desired tank, you first need to research it. After this, the researched tank can be purchased for credits.

    To research a new tank, all the modules and combat vehicles that come before it in the Tech Tree must be researched.

  2. Before you buy a tank, make sure that you have a free slot for it in your Garage. If there are no free slots, you can either sell one of your tanks or purchase an additional slot for in-game gold.

    To buy a slot for the tank, scroll the vehicle carousel to the right until it stops, tap the Purchase slot button and get the number of slots you require.

  3. To purchase a tank, select the tank you want in the Tech Tree.

    Slots with researched tanks have a different color in the Tech Tree than those unresearched.

  4. Check the stats and the price of the tank in the pop-up window and tap Purchase.
  5. Confirm the purchase by tapping Purchase Tank.
  6. Select the tank crew training level you desire after purchasing.
  7. Congratulations, the tank is now in your Garage! Click Go to tank to go to your new vehicle.

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